About us
Grail Foundation Press was founded in 1994 to aid the ‘Verlag der Stiftung Gralsbotschaft’ (German for ‘Publisher of the Grail Message Foundation’) in printing and distributing the book In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message in North America, joining an international publishing network with foundations in various countries around the world. Today, the titles offered through the Stiftung Gralsbotschaft are distributed in over 90 countries and available in more than 20 languages.
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Also, the full catalog of available titles and translations offered by the Grail Message Foundation (Stiftung Gralsbotschaft) can be found in the International Shop, which is based in Germany and ships worldwide.
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“I wish to fill in the gaps which have so far always remained unanswered in the souls of men as burning questions, and which never leave any serious thinker in peace, if he honestly seeks the Truth.”
– Abd-ru-shin
Author of In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message
Grail Foundation Press
14318 Shirley Bohn Road, Box A
21771 Mount Airy
Phone : (800) 427-9217 or (607) 723-5163
Email: info@gfp.com